Kratom is a natural herb that has been used for centuries in Southeast Asia. It is commonly taken as a drink, chewed, or turned into a pill. In America and Europe, it can be found online at smoke shops and headshops, but many users have been asking the question: “how do I take kratom?” This article will teach you about different ways to consume this spice.

What is Kratom?

Kratom is a natural herb that comes from the Mitragyna Speciosa tree, found in Southeast Asia. The leaves of this tree have been used for centuries as a traditional mood enhancer that gives an overall sense of well-being. Kratom is also popular for its stimulant and sedative effects.

How Do I Take Kratom?

Kratom can be taken in different ways, depending on what you are looking for. Some people prefer to drink it as tea, while others chew the leaves if access to fresh harvest in available. You can also turn kratom into a pill or capsule or mix it with food or drinks.

Drinking Kratom Tea

One of the most common ways to take kratom is by drinking it as tea. This is easy to do; you can steep a teaspoon of kratom in boiling water for about ten minutes. After this, you strain the leaves from the liquid and drink it slowly to allow for maximum absorption.

While many people enjoy drinking kratom tea because of its pleasant taste, some complain that it is not easy on their stomachs. If you are looking for an alternative way to ingest your substance without having any gastrointestinal discomfort or nausea, then mixing Kratom with another liquid may be better for you.

Mixing Kratom With Liquids

Many users who don’t have the patience to make tea or simply not a fan will turn to other methods such as tinctures or turning them into a pill form. However, there are also those who mix their powders with liquids so they can quickly take advantage of the alkaloids found in Kratom. This is a good way to get desired effect with full potency while not paying for the convenience of capsules. 

When mixing kratom with liquids, you want to make sure that you are using something that will mask the taste. One of the most popular choices is fruit juice; mix your desired amount of powder with apple or orange juice for best results. You can also use milk, yogurt, or water if you prefer. Anything that works for you just try not to have a heavy meal or it can decrease the noticeable potency.

Smoking Kratom

Some people choose to smoke their kratom because they feel it gives them faster effects than other methods. If you are looking for a way to feel the effects of Kratom almost instantly, then this may be your best bet. Not only will you get an intense rush that lasts about ten minutes or less (depending on how much and what kind of kratom you use), but smoking allows for fast absorption into the bloodstream through the lungs.

If you choose to smoke kratom, it is important to remember not to overdo it; try using small amounts at first until you know how much works well with your body chemistry. You also want to consider mixing your substances if possible; mixing tobacco and kratom can heighten both their positive qualities as well as decrease any unwanted side effects such as nausea or dizziness after taking them together.

Smoking has its own risks, such as increased vulnerability to respiratory illnesses and lung cancer. If you do choose to smoke kratom, be sure to use a safe method like a water pipe or vaporizer to avoid any health hazards.

Although there have been reports that smoking kratom is effective please note this is rarely the best method to get value out of your herb compared to most other methods.

Chewed Kratom

Another way to take kratom is by chewing the leaves. Fresh leaves are hard to come by unless you live in Southeast Asia but this can be an effective way to ingest the herb and considered the most effective by many. When chewed, the alkaloids in the leaves are absorbed into the bloodstream through your gums and mouth tissues; this causes them to enter your system quickly and provide support sooner.

Since kratom leaves contain fiber, they can also help with digestion and intestinal problems. Plus, chewing the leaves can help to suppress your appetite, which is why so many kratom users are drawn to this method.

One thing that you need to be careful about when chewing kratom leaves is their taste; they have a bitter flavor and may not go down easily depending on how much of it you take at once. However, there are ways around this problem. You can mix kratom powder into other substances like yogurt or apple sauce before taking them in order to mask its flavor with something sweet. Or simply chew slowly until you get used to the taste!

Taking Kratom Pills or Capsules

For those who want the most consistent and convenient method, turning kratom powder into pills or capsules is a good solution. This also eliminates the need to measure out doses, making it a convenient option for on-the-go use.

When taking kratom in pill form, you want to make sure that you are using a high-quality product. Many people find that encapsulated kratom is more expensive than buying the powder, but it can be worth it if you want the convenience and don’t mind paying a little extra.

You can either buy kratom caps pre-made or purchase empty gelatin capsules and fill them yourself with kratom powder. If doing it yourself, be sure to use a scale to get your dosages accurate; measuring cups may not give you an accurate reading.

Plus, when taking kratom in capsule form, you can avoid the bitter taste that some people find unpleasant.

Tincture of Kratom

A tincture is a liquid form of kratom that is made by extracting the alkaloids from the plant using alcohol. This method is often considered to be one of the most potent and efficient ways to take kratom, as it allows for quick absorption into the bloodstream. 

When looking for a tincture of kratom, make sure to purchase one that has been made with high-quality ingredients, and that has been tested for purity. You don’t want to end up taking something that contains other harmful compounds along with the kratom alkaloids.

One downside to tinctures is that they are usually expensive; however, their potency and efficiency of them may make it worth the cost for some people.

How much Kratom should I take?


How much kratom you should take should depend on your personal preferences, needs, and tolerance. You may have to experiment a little bit to find the right dosage for you. However, there are a few general guidelines that can help you get started.

If you are new to kratom, it is recommended that you start with a low dose (around two grams) and work your way up from there. Taking too much at once can result in negative side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

For those who want sustained relief throughout the day, taking smaller doses of kratom more often is often better than taking one large dose. This method also helps to avoid any potential building up of tolerance to the herb.

Some people find that they need higher doses of kratom in order to achieve the desired effects, while others find that a smaller dose is all they need. It really depends on the individual and their needs.