It’s the end of a long day. Your body is tired, but your mind won’t turn off. You can’t sleep. You toss and turn in bed for hours before finally giving up on trying to get any rest at all. Sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone! Millions of people experience this problem every night. Luckily for them, there are natural solutions that work great to give you those much needed hours of rest – kratom being one such option!

What is Kratom?

Kratom is a tropical tree (Mitragyna speciosa) native to Southeast Asia, and the leaves of which contain a number of compounds that work in unique ways – including alkaloids like mitragynine and more than 40 others. These active ingredients interact with opioid receptors in your brain for calming effects on mood and mind.

What Kratom does to you

Kratom gives you an energy boost and helps you get through the day, but it does much more than that. It can also put your body in a state of relaxation and calmness while improving your mood! Best of all, kratom is natural, so when used in moderation there’s little chance of side effects or withdrawals to deal with when you stop taking it if you don’t like how it affects you.

Kratom contains alkaloids that interact with opioid receptors in our brain – particularly mu-opioid receptors (though others exist). In layman’s terms, this means they bind themselves to these receptors and make them ‘happy.’ This has an effect on almost every organ system in the human body from relieving pain associated with inflammation throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract by interacting with smooth muscle cells along its length, to the brain where it stimulates activity in various neurotransmitter systems.

How much Kratom should I take?

The amount of kratom you need varies depending on two things: How often do you use it? And what is your tolerance? When first using a new strain of kratom, start with a lower dose and work your way up if needed. Natural kratom is active at about 2 grams. If you’re using it daily, then you’ll need a higher dose to achieve the desired effects.

How to take kratom?

Kratom can be taken in different ways, depending on what you are looking for. Some people prefer to drink it as tea, while others chew the leaves or take it in powder form which is the most common. You can also turn kratom into a pill or capsule or mix it with food or drinks. For those who do not like the taste of kratom, turning them into pills or capsules is a good solution. This also eliminates the need to measure out doses, making it a convenient option for on-the-go use.

When taking kratom capsules, you want to make sure that you are using a high-quality product. Many people find that encapsulated kratom is more expensive than buying the powder, but it can be worth it if you want the convenience and don’t mind paying a little extra.

You can either buy kratom caps pre-made or purchase empty gelatin capsules and fill them yourself with kratom powder. If doing it yourself, be sure to use a scale to get your dosages accurate; measuring cups may not give you an accurate reading.

The Best Kratom for Sleep and Relaxation


There are many different variations of kratom. Some strains have more energizing effects, while others can help you relax and fall asleep faster. There are many ways to help get a good night’s sleep, and kratom is the latest addition to options for those who have trouble sleeping. Red vein’s are usually your best bet for calming properties. Let’s take a look at the best kratom options for sleep and relaxation.

Red Maeng Da Kratom

Red Maeng Da is known to calm, increase mind soothing, cause relaxation, and improve daily life. Because of its potent strain, Red Maeng Da strains are renowned for providing rapid yet long-lasting effects compared to other Kratom strains.

The Red Maeng Da is best used at night, making it the best kratom for sleep and relaxation. Its energizing effects are milder compared to other strains of Kratom, so you won’t have trouble falling asleep after taking them.

Maeng Da has a unique alkaloid profile that delivers more physical comfort than any other kratoms. Maeng Da is known to give an excellent mood boost that elevates your spirits while providing feelings of well-being. 

Bali Kratom

The Bali kratom is a sedating strain that’s great for those who are looking to increase their rest. It has very relaxing effects that can help you sleep better and longer. 

The Bali kratom is also known for its mind calming properties so it’s great for those who experience many thoughts while trying to unwind.

This particular variety of kratom is available in both crushed leaf, capsules and powder form, so it can be easily consumed in whichever way you prefer. 

Red Vein Bali Kratom

The Red Vein Bali Kratom is ranked second on the list for getting a good night’s sleep, which may compete with hibernation. The fragrance of this Kratom is relaxing and pleasant, and it includes approximately 25 alkaloids, which is more than any other Kratom. The crimson veins provide the color red, although the leaves are dark green, and this plant is collected in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

Red Vein Bali Kratom offers similar effects to Red Maeng Da Kratom, but since Red Maeng Da is the most potent variety, this falls to second place only after conceding to the best in the industry. However, it has its own set of perks and qualities, and if you are a beginner and don’t know much about Kratoms, you must certainly look into all of your choices to select the ideal one for you.

Green Malay Kratom

The Green Malay kratom is another excellent option if you’re looking for a natural sleep aid. This type of kratom has mild energizing effects as well as analgesic and sedative properties. 

The Green Malay kratom is also known to improve cognitive function, making it a good choice for people who want the benefits of kratom but don’t want to feel overly sedated. 

This strain is available in both powder and capsule form.

White Borneo Kratom

The White Borneo kratom is a great option if you’re looking for a mild relaxant that can help you fall asleep faster. It has mellow effects that are perfect for those who don’t want any stimulation from their kratom strains. This works best, especially when you’re trying to avoid strains that have high levels of energy.

The White Borneo kratom is also known for its physical comfort properties, making it a good choice for many.

This variety of kratom is available in both powder and capsule form, so it’s easy to take with you on the go.

Red Borneo Kratom

It is produced by grinding dark green leaves from elder trees and processing them in a native method, resulting in thick sugar-like particles and thick consistency. When this happens, it produces the traditional Red Borneo strain of Kratom, with a high alkaloid concentration that may occasionally exceed that of Red Vein Bali. 

Red Borneo has been a staple strain in the community for many years due to it’s consistent nature and wonderful calming properties. For those that have a hard time relaxing this the perfect strain for unwinding at the end of the day.

Apart from taking kratom at night to support good sleep habits, kratom can be used throughout the day to assist in productivity, enhanced well-being, general energy levels and give a workout boost. The action of 7-hydroxymitragynine on opiate receptors results in increased energy and concentration. When this kratom is taken throughout the day, it keeps you alert and helps you get through the day while also assisting your sleep at night.