If you are looking for kratom recipes, this article is for you! Kratom can be used in so many different ways. It’s easy to use kratom capsules as a cooking ingredient or even just take them on their own. This article has some great healthy kratom recipes that’ll keep your taste buds happy, and your body is feeling good too!

What is Kratom?

Kratom is a botanical derived from the Mitragyna Speciosa tree. The leaves of this plant have been utilized in Asia for millennia. Kratom’s stimulant and sedative qualities make it well-liked among users. Kratom may be consumed as pills or as a powder.

What are the Benefits of Kratom?

Kratom has a long list of advantages. The effects of kratom may be unpredictable depending on the variety you consume. Some strains are more sedating, while others are more energizing. Kratom’s most frequent side effects include:

  • Increasing Mood
  • Physical Comfort
  • Boosting energy levels
  • Improving focus and concentration
  • Helping with rest and sleep

What kratom does to you

Kratom gives you an energy boost and increases your focus. This is because kratom contains alkaloids that can act as stimulants, so these effects are very common with this product.

There are several advantages to maintaining your outlook when you take kratom. Many people who consume kratom report feeling less anxious, moody, and weary in general.

How much Kratom should I take?

The quantity of kratom you’ll require is determined by two things: how often do you utilize it, and what degree of tolerance do you have? If you’re using a new type of kratom for the first time, begin with a smaller dose and gradually increase if necessary. If you consume kratom on a daily basis, you’ll need a greater amount to achieve the desired results.

How to take kratom?

Depending on your goals, Kratom may be ingested in a variety of ways. Some people like to drink it as a tea while others chew the leaves or even smoke them, although rarely. You can also turn kratom into a pill or capsule or mix it with food or drinks. For those who don’t enjoy the bitter taste of kratom, pills or capsules are a fantastic alternative. This also eliminates the need to measure doses, making it convenient for on-the-go usage.

When taking kratom capsules, you should use a high-quality product. Encapsulated kratom is more expensive to buy than the powder, but it may be worth it if you want convenience and don’t mind spending a little extra.

You can either buy kratom caps pre-made or purchase empty gelatin capsules and fill them yourself with kratom powder. If you’re doing it yourself, make sure to use a scale to ensure that your dosages are correct; measuring cups may not guarantee an accurate reading. 

Healthy Kratom Recipes


There are many kratom recipes that you can make with kratom. The ones listed here include:

Kratom & Fresh Juice

The easiest approach to use kratom in your daily routine is to start with something you like, such as a glass of fresh juice. Kratom complements fresh fruit and vegetable juice well. Make a fresh fruit and vegetable juice and drink it every morning to add kratom to your routine. Get yourself some nice-quality kratom powder and make this delicious recipe for a tasty fresh juice:


  • One apple
  • One lemon
  • Kale or spinach
  • A pinch of sliced ginger
  • Kratom powder

Kratom is best combined with sweet fruit and veggies. However, it can also be used to flavor sour fruits such as lemon to balance the tastes. This is a quick and easy recipe that will make your morning juice more pleasurable. If you’re in a rush, try making vitamin-infused water using your favorite fruits and kratom.

Fruit Smoothie With Your Favorite Kratom

Smoothies are an easy way to get a wide range of nutrients into your body. Aside from the fact that they’re delicious, you may prepare large quantities and serve them for breakfast or even supper (particularly if you make a smoothie bowl). One advantage of this recipe is that it doesn’t require any special equipment other than a blender.


  • Milk or yogurt
  • Your favorite fruits like banana, mango, or blueberries
  • Peanut butter
  • Your favorite kratom powder strain

How to Prepare Your Fruit Smoothie With Kratom:

  • Add all your ingredients to the blender
  • Blend for at least 2-3 minutes until all the ingredients mix well
  • Pour the smoothie into a glass and enjoy

Kratom AppleSauce

Making a basic apple sauce is one of the simplest methods to use kratom. Simply combine one cup of applesauce with the amount of kratom you desire, and enjoy. If you like, add cinnamon or other spices, but test mixing it without any added ingredients first, so you know how much kratom to use. You may also make an easy apple sauce recipe that includes kratom using this method.


  • 1 cup of applesauce
  • Your favorite kratom powder strain
  • One tablespoon of cinnamon

How to Prepare Your Kratom Applesauce:

  • Put all your ingredients in a bowl and mix well
  • Keep your bowl of applesauce in a freezer for 10-15 minutes
  • Enjoy a refreshing twist of your kratom applesauce

Healthy Kratom Bowl

When you want to eat something without adding extra calories, nothing beats a nutritious fruit salad, nuts and seeds, and your favorite natural herbs. You may whip up a healthful bowl that is loaded with nutrients and vitamins and all-natural by mixing kratom in. Delicious kratom bowls are ideal for preparing breakfast since everything can be swiftly blended together, poured into a glass jar, refrigerated overnight, and voila! You may prepare breakfast ahead of time without having to spend any additional time in the kitchen.


  • Your favorite fruits (a ripe, frozen banana is a must-have)
  • One cup of your favorite berries (fresh or frozen)
  • one teaspoon of chia seeds and flax seeds
  • Kratom powder
  • Coconut milk

How to Prepare Your Kratom Healthy Bowl:

  • Mix the kratom powder, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and coconut milk in a jar
  • Leave the jar overnight in the fridge
  • Pour the mix into a bowl the following morning
  • Add berries, sliced fruits, and nuts to the bowl and enjoy

Kratom with Mint Tea

Why not combine your kratom with your daily cup of tea? While mint tea has its own set of health benefits, it may be a nice change when combined with those of kratom. Mint tea aids digestion, promotes detoxification from sugar and lowers cholesterol levels. Mint tea is a pleasant drink that can be consumed at any time of day or night.


  • One teaspoon of fresh mint leaves or a teabag
  • Water
  • Natural honey or one teaspoon of sugar
  • Fresh lemon
  • Your favorite kratom powder

How to Prepare Your Kratom With Mint Tea:

  • Take a teapot and boil the water
  • Let the water simmer, add the mint leaves and the kratom powder
  • Leave the tea to simmer for at least 20 minutes
  • Add honey and lemon to taste
  • Let the tea simmer again a few minutes
  • Strain the tea and pour it into a cup
  • Enjoy the aroma of mint and kratom as you enjoy your hot tea

Bottom Line

In conclusion, kratom can be a wonderful additive to your classic recipes. Kratom is not only great for a mood and energy boost, but it also can blend well into tasty healthy recipes that will increase you enjoyment of the day.

Healthy kratom recipes are quick and easy to make without sacrificing taste or flavor, as well as being nutritious and delicious!